As far as concern of our factory sizes, everything is done under a roof under in our personal supervision. We have great team of experienced and youngster artisans, finishers, quality controllers of northern India. Proper power supply thru generators, well polishing and finishing e.g. powder coating & Nickel plants along purely manufacturing unit decors our firm which gives complete satisfaction to our client.
By the virtue of years long manufacturing experience, we are capable to develop any item as per your specifications. We might hope that you are interested in products. So kindly take a look of our attached images of our few products and let us know your selection in detail to enable us to send you our best FOB pricelist. Also we have lots of our new design images which we are not attaching here due to privacy. On hearing from we shall send you other images of our model. We hope you would like these new designs and include in your existing range. WE ARE ASSURING YOU THAT IF YOU WILL JOIN HANDS WITH US, YOU WILL DEFINATELY FIND BEST QUALITY, TIMELY SHIPMENT WITHIN MOST RESONABLE PRICES. Kindly let us know your buying department's e-mail address so we can contact there.